
Hi! My name is Kaley, and I’m a mom raising two bilingual children. My husband is from Spain, and I’m from Indiana. We met in Spain in 2009, right after I graduated from Indiana University.

We live in the U.S., but we speak Spanish at home with our two daughters.

We were married on July 7, 2012 

Follow my blog for our adventures raising two children in two languages: the ups, the downs, and all the in-betweens!


26 thoughts on “About

  1. I love this! So many questions…how did you find the teaching experience there?? I have considered teaching abroad but have heard mixed stuff. Mainly, it can be in not so great areas where you really apart from society and reality…and you still work a lot of hours. Also, that the money isn’t that good? I have enormous student loan debt and pay a lot of bills each month – so I’d need something realistic.

    Do you and your ‘boy’ plan to stay/live in Spain?!

  2. Just stumbled across your blog. I love it long time! We’re American Military living in Spain and love it. I’ll have to flip through your past posts and read up more on your fun life here in Spain!

  3. Hi! I stumbled upon your blog a while ago and have been following ever since. Being from Spain and having experienced life in Indiana – I was an exchange student there during my junior year in high school, what are the odds?! – it’s really cool to read the other side of the story, and specially seeing how you’ve come to appreciate a lot of the good things that Spain has to offer. Good luck with Mario’s attempts to move to the US with you, and keep it up!

  4. Kaley, I love your blog and the way your express yourself. You clearly put so much thought into what you say. It’s a real pleasure to read. Welcome to the interesting world
    of the bicultural marriage!

  5. I am honoured to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Please pick up your award at http://travelswithtoby.wordpress.com/. Copy and Paste the Award to your blog and follow the rules of acceptance. I am very aware that some people do not wish to participate in Awards, and I completely respect that… no strings! But in any case, Congratulations, you have a Lovely Blog!

  6. Hi Kaley,
    We were both featured on Ella Coquine’s must reads – I have yet another thing to thank her for now, by sharing your blog! I live in Paris, but my husband (from BA) and I (from NY) would love to one day live in Madrid. We were there in September with our toddler and it just seemed like such a welcome change to our grey weather and sullen faces in Paris. Will have fun on visits here and if you’re ever in Paris and would like to go on a treasure hunt at the Louvre, just drop me a line.
    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Daisy, thanks for the comment! I’ve been on a long holiday weekend here, so sorry for the delay in approving your comment! I will definitely keep you in mind for a Paris visit. Interestingly, I have been, but my Spanish husband hasn’t. We need to visit together!

  7. Hi Kaley,

    I just stumbled on your blog and love it! I am also an American (Texan) living in Madrid. I feel kind of like we are living parallel lives- I got married in 2012, too, and blog about the experience of living here, though with a slightly different bent- my blog is more food-centric (www.gambasandgrits.com). I’m surprised we haven’t run into each other in real life!

    I thought it would be fun if we cross-pollinate- would you be interested in doing a guest recipe or restaurant review for my site? I will promote it on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest as well as my site.

    Here’s hoping 2013 is as exciting as 2012!


  8. Hey there! I’m moving to Madrid in February 2014 after I graduate from Univ of FL this December. I came across your blog and I can’t wait to read your other posts and lurk hardcore haha. I want to learn Spanish more than anything! Thanks for writing :)

  9. Hi Kaley, love your blog! It´s very interesting to read and I recognize a lot about what you say about living in Spain (with a handsome Spaniard!) as a foreigner.

    Lots of love,


  10. Hi! I’ve really enjoyed your blog :) I’m from Kentucky but am currently studying abroad in Salamanca, so I find it very interesting!

  11. Interesting blog – I’m visiting Spain right now from china – i teach at an international school outside Beijing. I can’t think of a place more different than Spain than China! Best to you!

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